Favs This Week #4


Empathy is feeling the feelings of another w/o trying to solve or fix them. – @LeadershipFreak

It is a good rule never to look into the face of a man in the morning until you have looked into the face of God. – C.H. Spurgeon – @NickyGumbel

Thanksgiving and worry can’t occupy the same space … You can’t worry if you’re giving thanks. – Matt Chandler – @jkimlcop

A deep soul notices, questions and doesn’t just go through the motions. It lives in awareness of eternity, not simply today. #SoulKeeping – @JohnOrtberg


The Secret to Finding Your Own Voice – Leadership Freak

“The voice in your head is someone else, who sounds like you. Don’t trust it.”

3 Reasons You Should Learn From People Different Than You – Gavin Adams

“The breadth of your learning will influence the depth of your learning.”

One of the Best Ways to Discover How You’re Really (Honestly) Doing As A Leader – Carey Nieuwof

“The quiet outside often reveals the disquiet inside … It is easier to stay busy than it is to stay honest with ourselves.” // So good!


How I Use Launch Center Pro – A pretty geeky iPhone app that is pretty powerful.

You’re Doing Twitter Wrong – Another ingenious Tripp and Tyler video.

The Company at Vibe 2014 – This is next level dancing … it almost seems fake. If they got 2nd place, can’t imagine what 1st place looked like!


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Favs This Week #3


Public giftedness can propel you to prominence long before private character can handle it. Let others speak into your life. – @EdStetzer

Criticism says: I know I can do ___ better than you did. Constructive criticism says: I know you can do ___ better than you did. – @adkinstom

Only you have complete access to your own selfishness, and only you have complete responsibility for it. – @TimKellerNYC

“Forgiveness allows us to leverage the lessons from the past without having to carry around the luggage of the past.” #StartingOver – @AndyStanley


Plan or Perspective – Radical Mentoring

Maybe prayer isn’t about planning but about perspective. “God might not always answer our prayer with a plan but He will give us perspective.”

Top 10 Habits of Leaders Who Effectively Guard Their Hearts – Carey Nieuwhof

Guarding your heart in leadership and in life is probably one of the most important things you can do … because it’s not about competency, it’s about character.

Latest Free Infographic Templates and Elements – The Neo Design

I LOVE Infographics … I think it’s because I love design and I love statistics … it’s the collision of numbers and art.


Introducing Face2Face – brand new technology from Apple?!?!?

Oceans – lyric video of Oceans from Hillsong

Omnifocus 2 – I’ve been using the new Omnifocus 2 in beta and now it’s finally available. Here’s a video highlighting the new stuff.


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Favs This Week #2


Grace is inviting to the unrighteous and threatening to the self-righteous. – @AndyStanley

There is a difference between putting on the appearance of humility before others & being truly humble in God’s presence. #LeadLikeJesus – @LeadLikeJesus

If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself. – @TimKellerNYC

You make PEACE with your past by owning your PIECE of the past. #StartingOver – @AndyStanley


With Great Korean Barbecue Comes Great Responsibility – NPR

Fascinating article on the distinction between service at Korean restaurants vs. American restaurants.

– Carey Nieuwhof

Great blog on what to do when people say “I want our church to grow. I just don’t want it to change.”

How Leaders Use Hump Day – Leadership Freak

Practical tips on how to use hump day.


Christian Tingle – hilarious parody video on Christian dating sites

Let It Go (Mother’s Style) – a fun opener we did at our church on Mother’s Day

More Than a Children’s Story Bumper – one of my favorite bumper/title packages we’ve produced at our church


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Favs This Week #1


The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. – @nickygumbel

Be especially faithful in the small & ordinary things. We may not get noticed but so what. God notices & delights in us. That’s our purpose. – @eugenecho

Jesus wants your obedience over your sacrifice. In other words he wants you, not what you have to offer. – @timkellernyc

Don’t  compare your inside to someone else’s outside.  Compare your inside to their inside.  You’ll need a scalpel. You can only do it once. – @johnortberg


Church For The Unchurched Versus Church Unchurched People Love To Attend – Gavin Adams

Remember – there’s a big difference between a “church for the the unchurched” and a “church unchurched people love to attend.” Finding the balance can be tough, but it’s worth the effort, because the church is fulfilled best in the context of both reaching and growing all the people in our communities.

12 Surprising Ways to Use Evernote You Might Not Have Considered – Michael Hyatt

Love Evernote and don’t know what I would do without it. But always growing in how I can use it more. Some helpful uses here.

33 Ways to Show Appreciation to Volunteers at Your Church – Unseminary

Volunteers are the life blood of your church. In fact … your church literally wouldn’t exist without them! Often it’s small actions that show your true feelings about your volunteer teams. Why not pick a few of these things off this list and try them this weekend at your church?


Kevin Durant’s MVP Acceptance Speech – amazing speech where he turns his MVP moment into a moment where he recognizes his teammates and his mom as the real MVP’s

Stories That Matter – Hillsong, Elevation, Church on the Move … top producers of church videos today

Financially Free Families (Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze) – Every parent must watch this sermon as we must get better at helping our children understand money and generosity


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