JoJo chilling in the backyard #morkie

via Instagram


  1. scm dhaman walahyga soomaliyeed wan idin salaamay waxan kaloo salan qas udirayaa jimcaaaaaaaaale suasheeyda rerraha lamideynayo an kamid ahay dhiigagii wa isoodhamadeen waxja waba mahaayo sadax bil hanleegarka telkiisa maqabanayo qofka gacan yarahaaga hadad heleen wadhiib waxan kacood sanaa sua shaas inaa weydiiso adoo raliya? byeU codee: 1  0

  2. “ll the while I’ve frittered away 2 1/2 hours doing not so much.”LOL! I know. It’s funny, I’m busy busy busy and then get an unexpected 20 minutes to myself and what do I do? Blog of course.I really need to stop ignoring the laundry.

  3. Ficar bonita com conforto e luxo, nada melhor que o Body Macaquinho da Pilé .É um produto que traz muitos beneficios além de desfarçar as gordurinhas.estou torcendo muito e eespero ganhar este maravilhoso sorteio (: beeijoooskelly caroline

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